Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Moon

I am hating this computer immensely, cause it won't let me post pics. AGHH!!! A good post has a good pic, that's my motto and its driving me crazy. So, I started New Moon last night. Stephanie Meyer's sequel to Twilight, and I just have to say that I am ticked. There better be a twist at the end of this book or I will be very disappointed. Did Anyone else, experience the hate/anger I am feeling reading this book???? Is it really worth it in the end??


Brianne said...

Ooh, yes I was pretty ticked too. It's definitely worth it at the end though. I blazed through the middle section of that book (even though I was slightly annoyed) just trying to get back to more Edward in the story. Don't worry, the 3rd book is better!

Sarah said...

that's good to hear!!! I am just a little frustrated right now.

Gary Church said...

Oh yeah ... I was WAY mad. In fact, I skipped 250 pages and went to the ending. The ending is worth it!

My name is Andrea said...

The 2nd book is a necessary evil to get to the third...I'm just sayin'!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

I have to agree with the second being disappointing, but hold will get better.

Amanda said...

I agree--I was hating the 2nd one---I stopped in the middle and read 2 other books before i came back to it and finally finished! If you can do that it is not a good book IMO... I read the who series but I am not a huge take what I have to say with a grain of salt:)

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

I miss you...& you blog updates!

Bethanne said...

I have to agree with everyone else...but then again, after the first book I thought Bella was obnoxious and I didn't want anything to do with a love triangle...I just wanted Bella and Edward. You're probably finished by now, but hope you liked the rest of the series!

Chrystalee said...

Good news!!! Stephanie is writing Midnight Sun, which is a companion to Twilight. It's from Edwards point of view. Can't wait!!!!