Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Can She Do It???

It's 10:32 am and I have been sitting in front of the computer since 9:00. My parents arrive at 4:25 p.m. This is what I have left to do:
I wish that was my laundry room.
I definitely need something of flamethrower caliber for my master bathroom.
It seems like my kitchen never really gets clean.
And just a little light vacuuming.
Think I can do it in 5 hrs??? Wish me luck!
I can honestly say that my house has never been this clean before
- i even did baseboards.
That's an accomplishment for me :D


The A Team said...

you are my hero. i don't even know what color my baseboards are natually. white, i think....

Amanda said...

I wish that my house was that clean!!!!!! I hate these baseboards I can't seem to keep them clean! I did not have a problem with those in my old house!

Jess said...

haha! My house only gets that clean when I have someone coming to stay with us!! (that's when I took all the pictures of my house...) when you have kids, there's a short window of time when it's all clean at once (usually when they're asleep). Does anyone else have that problem?? :) So, if you were to drop by my house unannounced, you might think that I had completely given up on that cleaning stuff.