Sunday, January 6, 2008

Clear Skies and a Practically Perfect Day

Yesterday, was a beautiful day. We had weather fit for a princess. Which was fitting because Claire got to go to a Princess Party. It was so cute. All the girls dressed up like princesses.
They played "Kiss Your Prince" the princess version of pin the tail on the donkey, and. . .
Hunt for Snow Whites apples. Claire loved every minute and truly believed she was a princess.
Aren't they all so cute!!!!!!
We capped off our perfect day, picking up Aunt Ya-Ya at the airport and eating a LATE dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. Yea!!!!!


kira lee said...

woot. woot. i made it!

Gary Church said...

It WAS gorgeous! I didn't know that was your sister ... I thought she was a visitor and I was totally being anti-social ... I felt like passing out at church yesterday. Hi Sarah's sister. lol.