Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thanks To All Who Voted

I know I just posted that I had nothing to blog about and then I remembered this most important thing. Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll. The majority of you voted correctly. :D Dylan grew a goatee in February and I hate facial hair. We have gone round and round in cirlces on this issue for eight years. Facial hair is so gross to me, and I totally believe that if you love someone and you have control over something that they like or dislike that you would do everything in your power to please them. Of course Dylan doesn't see it this way. He sees it as my love being conditional, and that if I truly loved him I would let him be him. When he grows a goatee I usually ignore it for a few weeks but, when a month has passed I want it gone. You would think I was taking away his manhood or something. Am I such a bad wife???


kira lee said...

i'm the same way...

My name is Andrea said...

I don't mind how Maris looks with facial hair...but we have a deal, if he wants to kiss me, he shaves.

Janie said...

I LOVE FACIAL HAIR - goatee good, full beard better! But I have the opposite problem. Kyle thinks his is too sparse so he rarely grows one. He has to have almost a full two weeks off of work to grow one. Then after a while he says its itchy and shaves it. While I stand there begging him not to. I probably wouldn't like it all the time like a mountain man - but every once in a while RRRRRRRRR so sexy.

Janie said...

Oh I forgot to say, for those of you who think I am weird, dont' talk to my mom, she thinks back hair is sexy - and the furrier the chest the better. She'd fall for Robin Williams. - my ode to facial hair must be some weird genetic connection.

Gary Church said...

Ditto to what Andrea said ... except Gary does look funny with facial hair. His wiskers look green ... I think it's his eyes that do that. lol.

Sarah said...

I like a hairy chest, but eeew gross, a hairy back. You girls are wierd :D

My name is Andrea said...

I'm not a hair on the body person. Not even chest hair. Legs are ok, but no rugs. Face hair hurts my chin when I get kissed. I have sesitive skin! Too personal? Maybe.