Friday, July 11, 2008

DuMb QuIz FrIDaY

The Road Trip of Your Life

You see romantic love as what's most important in life. A deep connection with someone else is the primary thing you crave.
You live a life of leisure. You take your time in every aspect of life and enjoy it to the fullest.
You're willing to take a few risks in life. You may not take the road no one travels, but you're happy to take the road less traveled.
You are able to find a fairly healthy balance between work and play. You work when you need to, but you never let yourself burn out.
In another life, you could have been a great artist. You trust your creative instincts enough to let them lead you.

You Are 28% Capitalist, 72% Socialist

You tend to be quite wary of businesses, especially big business.

While you know that corporations have their place, you tend to support small, locally owned shops.

As far as the rich go, you think they're usually corrupt and immoral.

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